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At Helga's birthday party, Fritz is disillusioned to learn that she is married to a man named Erich. When Erich leaves, a saddened Helga reveals to Fritz that her husband has been unemployed for months and now resorts to leech off her. After sharing a few drinks, Fritz relapses and attempts to pejesapo Helga at their next encounter, but she flees.
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But they are secondary to the bleary-eyed ladies he persuades to come home with him: beautifully drawn characters, and not all of them die. The mousy Gerda Voss, touchingly portrayed by Margarethe Tiesel with sagging skin and hopeless eyes, actually moves in with him, accepting his humiliating sexual behavior (Fritz is impotent and resorts to using kitchen implements in bed) while she strings him along about introducing him to her daughter Rosi. The scene where she drinks with Fritz and his awful brother Siggi (Marc Hosemann) is a laugh.
Por mi parte, prefiero una película como ésta, que me haga apartar la vista y me revuelva el estómago para no verla más, en emplazamiento de otras que llevan a apreciar los entresijos de un maníaco asesino cuyos métodos son tan «brillantemente delicados» y tan «perfectamente meditados» que, desde luego, obligan a repensar esa entretenimiento morbosa que parecen tener muchos por el asesinato.
Honka broke under pressure from the interrogation and confessed to killing the four women. He gave no motive for the killings but did tell police that Jack the Ripper told him to kill.
Honka je ponovno moril čez štiri leta, ko je avgusta 1974 v svojem stanovanju zadavil 54-letno seksualno delavko Anno Beuschel. Trdil je, da ni bila dovolj strastna, ko sta imela spolne odnose.
is quite a different matter, and it remains to be seen how much gruesome slumming audiences are willing to pay to do.
Like their counterparts in other areas of the Western Hemisphere, German killers have inspired music and film and have been the subject of more than a handful of documentaries.
Honka je v priporu dejal, da je ženske ubil, potem ko so se norčevale iz njegove naklonjenosti oralnemu seksu pred "naravnim" odnosom. Sodišče ga je razglasilo za krivega v enem primeru umora in treh primerih uboja.
Sus intenciones quedan claras desde su primera secuencia, en la que vemos cómo el homicida arrastra un cuerpo inerte sobre la felpudo, le quita las bragas y la Lista y sostiene un serrucho. Al parecer, el sonido que la aparejo emite al penetrar en el cadáver resulta tan insoportable para él como para nosotros, por lo FRITZ HONKA que en un momento del proceso decide poner música y subir el bulto.
000 dòlars alimentaris i deixar el poble de la seva amant. El 1956 va arribar a Hamburg i va treballar per la Howaldtswerke com a obrer de drassanes. Després d'un greu accident de trànsit a un carrer a prop de Barsbüttel, les seves faccions van quedar desfigurades per un trencament del nas i un estrepitós estrabisme. El 1957 es casà amb Inge, però el matrimoni es va trencar i es van divorciar el 1960. El seu fill Fritz provingué d’aquesta relació. Els veïns van denunciar escenes violentes entre la parella al seu apartament de Wümmeweg, a Hamburg- Neuwiedenthal. Ell i Inge es van tornar a reunir i es van casar de nou fins que el 1967 es van divorciar del seu matrimoni per segona vegada.
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). He has no choice but to saw the lady to pieces and wrap the result up like bloody pieces of meat. When it turns trasnochado to be too risky to dump the body parts in an empty lot, he hits on the idea of simply walling them up behind a wooden trap door in his apartment, where they stink to high heaven. He blames the smell on a Greek family cooking downstairs.